Sunday, September 21, 2003

The ROADwomen Speech - A History of the 'Crazies'

This speech is so good and informative to people on the history of those Bush 1 himself called "crazies" it deserves a seperate listing.

Some months back, I was debating a rightwing host on his nationally syndicated radio show. We were arguing mainly about Iraq and its comparisons to Vietnam, about which these days there are even more similarities. Toward the end, I quoted from some of the PNAC doctrines -- about starting wars pre-emptively, breaking treaties, keeping other countries and organizations down so as to remain the top boss, imitating permanent war and so on; there was a long silence and I heard him gulp. Clearly, he wasn't fully aware of some of this information. Finally, he said, "If you can prove what you're telling me, and get that out there to the American people, you might well deny George Bush a second term."

Whattya say? Let's do it.

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