Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Iraqi Progress Email Hoax Exposed

All 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics are open and 10% have running water. Ten percent of the hospitals have running water? This is progress?

Five Wallmarts are set to go up in the main cities of Iraq. Leaving aside that it’s Wal-Mart, and not “Wallmart,” a Wal-Mart spokeswoman told me there are no plans to expand to Iraq, as the market just isn’t there for the company.

Plans have been approved to open 45 McDonalds restaurants. Nope. McDonald’s has no plans, according to spokeswoman Anna Rozenich.

American businesses are making tremendous profits from the reconstruction to offset the expense and loss the United States suffered in the war. And I’d really buy this. I’m sure all those “tremendous profits” are consolation for the families of the 500+ American soldiers who have died.

Some of the items had been added to the original list of accomplishments which were misleading. The new items are clearly false.

and much more on the mission accomplishments hoax email on Snopes.

An Iraqi citizen whose response to the original piece was published on the Voices in the Wilderness web site maintains that some of the information presented is true, but much of it is inaccurate or misleading.

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