Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Kerry - I will bring the troops home from Iraq

Couldn't let this site go on hiatus without the latest breaking news.

As dead US servicemen hit 1,000 Kerry's goal is to bring them all home.

Sunday my ex-wife and I saw Shrek 2 at the $1.50 movie theater. While there I passed out voter registration cards. Unbelievable, a Republican judge just fined someone for doing that. I was very shocked and saddened at the theater as a young girl about 20 said she didn't want to vote - issues were too complicated and she didn't know enough.

Candlelight vigil this Sunday to commemorate 1,000 US dead soldiers so far in Bush's war.

Florida voting officials ignored law and didn't allow voters without ID to vote.If you sign an affidavit swearing to your identity you can vote and if it is a close race those will be checked during a recount. The problem is not only did this occur the top GOP officials support efforts at disenfranchisement. This is part of Republicans continual efforts around the country to cut down on the number of voters.

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