Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Texas Tuesday with Richard Morrison & Breaking News

Interview with Morrison where he reports the campaign is going great - for the first time DeLay is having to campaign. Tom DeLay has been getting non-profit institutions to give him fake endorsements and has been flip-flopping on the issues - seems to be running scared. You can support Morrison here. (I have a sheet with phone calls to make for Morrison but with my moving I don't know when I can get to it.)

Other news - GOP politicos at it again - GOP official ignores court, orders Nader on the ballot.

Krugman - Kerry should attack Bush for putting America at risk by not acknowledging errors in war on terror.

Richard Reeves - We Are Worse Off:
Jeffrey Record, a professor of strategy at the Army War College, who summed up a good deal of the thinking in Washington now: "Are we better off in basic security than before we invaded Iraq? The answer is no. An unnecessary war has consumed American Army and other ground resources, to the point where we have nothing left in the cupboard for another contingency -- for instance, should the North Koreans decide that with the Americans completely absorbed in Iraq, now is the time to do something."

Evidence is mounting that Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Bill Burkett may have provided memos or copies he could have fished out of trash when Bush ordered them destroyed. He has become active in some political and veteran circles and knows CBS and USAToday reporters. Or he may have recreated the memos on a home pc.

Stronger evidence memos were recently produced.

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