Tuesday, January 04, 2005


uggabugga writes about the new American facism and totalitarism:
To review: gung-ho support of the military; hate; worship of the leader; family, faith, and flag; no sympathy with the downtrodden; disdain for knowledge.

Looks like we are getting very close to declaring fascism an active, and significant, element of today's politics.

A final note about hate. It's one thing to be a quiet hater - there is a (slim) chance for dialogue. But look at the behavior of top-flight haters like O'Reilly and Hannity and Limbaugh. They shout and stomp (and occasionally walk out) as part of their act. It's bullying-hate we're witnessing. Totalitarianism on the set. Totalitariansim in the radio booth. Force, not facts, rule these domains.

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