Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bush's big dream of a democratic Middle East shows early results

Hamas with majority of seats to form government in Palestine

The religious group which has vowed to establish a religious state and remove Israel from the map is now the official government. They are also known for their support of suicide bombings.

The near majority party in Iraq is closely tied to Iran and the new constitution follows religious law. Iran itself has become more conservative and opposed to both Israel and the United States in the last elections. Iran may feel confident it can avoid military confrontation over its nuclear program due to its influence in Iraq. If the US supports an attack on Iran the Iranian-linked Shiites could lead an even larger uprising.

Do the neo-cons have any more of their great ideas they want to try? Democracy does need mean a more peaceful Middle East if we continue to pursue the wrong policies and the wrong rhetoric. Much of the turning away from the US is the rhetoric coming from this administration as well as the misguided policies. It is popular now to be anti-US in most places in the world.

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