Sunday, April 30, 2006

Public Opinion Watch - Election 2006

An overall look at the numbers - can the GOP House and Senate withstand a Katrina of disapproval? Lots of more recent good stuff from Ruy Teixeira is at the Emerging Democrat Majority blog.


Anonymous said...

I would say the pecking order in the USA should be 1. Citizens and their children 2. Legal immigrants and their children 3. guest workers (should we offer that to internationals). 4.the new citizens: those born here of internationals and illegal immigrants 4. illegal immigrants. And not the other way around. What would Vicente Fox do if all the citizens of the US went to Mexico and used their money to buy up all the products and took the jobs away from Mexican citizens and sent money home to their family in the USA. Would he like it if the Mexican National Anthem was sung in English by the English speaking population who are a bunch of newcomers? Would the Mexicans like that? Perhaps all the Gringos and Gringas should go fly the Stars and Stripes and the Mexican flag and demonsrate in huge numbers in Mexico for their rights and, of course, sing the Mexican national anthem in English? We could have a massive cultural exchange.

Gary said...

A song that praises America and its values is considered a slap in the face of America? Get real.

Undocumented workers are depressing wages but paying taxes and they are here because our government refused to get tough on businesses and made regular immigratrion extremely time-consuming and expensive.