Friday, May 26, 2006

Do you see a difference here?

This is what the Chronicle wants in a Conservative political blogger - passion and controversy and the typical right-wing push-button engrams.

This is what they want in a liberal blogger - thoughtful and with a great command of the facts.

While I think Kuffman is terrific for the Chronicle gig and does demonstrate rather clearly by contrast that liberals inhabit the reality-based community, do you foresee the Chronicle wanting fiery emotional speeches by a liberal on its blog space?

Interesting has been the centrist PoliMom, who can be very good at making it personal. A smart Houston suburban housewife and mother who I feel her brain and heart drag her from the frequent conservatism of many who live in Houston suburbs. That and also that she may not be indoctrinated in church enough.

There has been a debate that liberals and left radicals should be out front pushing radical solutions to problems so the "center space" of American political discourse is not tilted as far to the right with all the publicity the screaming loonies on the right receive. Should there be a radical left blogger, not me - I'm so moderate it scares my political cohorts, on Would the Chronicle just preserve its "balance" be giving Jeff or one of the other frequent further right commenters at his own blog?

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