Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gov. Perry fails again

While Perry's school finance bill will stay off a court ordered shut down of schools it is a temporary fix taking advantage of a temporary budget surplus. Like Bush, Perry is taking criticism from both left and right for his plans. The Left is mad because this is not a fix, except for a minimal teacher pay raise this does not properly fund schools, and lastly next year and later massive program cuts and tax increases are still needed. The Right is mad because conservatives don't like taxes, don't like new taxes, don't like public schools, and they don't like government or anyone who attempts to govern.

Claiming victory while leaving a $23 billion shortfall is a typical GOP tactic. The core of the GOP in Texas also is not happy at all. There was nothing in the bill wacky enough for their conservative values.

Carole Keeton Strayhorn and Chris Bell and even Kinky Friedman should get a lot of mileage out of this bill which leaves Texas $23 billion short over the next five years. - Gov. Perry: "I'm proud of this bill."
FW Star-Telegram: Critics say tax package doesn't add up

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