Friday, June 02, 2006

Tired of Waiting for the Rapture?

Play the video game! Convert those New Yorkers while your character shouts "Praise the Lord!" and don't kill too many as it disturbs your converts. The diabolical game based on the Left Behind series also allows players to join the demonic army of the anti-Christ.

Left Behind Games plans to market directly to pastoral networks and mega-churches, using the same network marketing strategies that turned Mr. Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life and the series Left Behind into best sellers. The right churches don't have a problem with video-game violence as long as it is for the right cause.

Reviews of early editions of the game are here and here. My type of God game is here.

1 comment:

Gary said...

I will edit my review if blogger which has been bloggered up today lets me. As his link makes clear layman has no problem with violence in the right cause.