Sunday, September 21, 2003

Republicans don't trust people

Several states with Republican legislatures have quietly announced that they won't hold primaries this year in their states. Instead, the delegates are to be chosen by party leaders. Now the official reasoning behind this is that it will save these states much needed money, but the real reason is to subvert democracy. Primaries tend to attract attention, and motivate party members. With no serious Republican Primary expected in 2004, a primary would mainly only help the democrats fire up their base. So, they (conservatives) have deemed it unnecessary for their constituents to have a voice in their party's nominee.

EL - The GOP always fail to mention it was a Republican Attorney General and two Republican judges, (one Democratic), who drew up the current Texas Representative map. It was drawn to ensure a GOP majority but then those pesky voters, while voting mostly Republican, decided they would keep their Democratic representatives. All the new GOP plans fix that, they redistrict Anglo Democrats out of their districts.

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