Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Rumors have Been Around For Weeks That Karl Rove Could Be Busted

He has been suspected of being the "high white house official" who leaked to Novak and other reporters that ambassador Wilson's wife is a CIA operator specializing in finding weapons of mass destruction.

EL - Think about that for a minute.

To punish someone who disagreed with the president and reported the truth he was willing to break the law and out his spouse who was engaged in protecting American citizens.

I had heard rumors on blogs before and then someone gave the website on CSPAN and now I have been forwarded this twice.

This site I am not crazy about because it goes into the unrelated topic of Rove actually being German.

The first place I saw the story was probably here, which gives the setting where Wilson fingered Rove and hoped he was led from the White House in handcuffs.

Josh Marshall had already noted his belief that Wilson had a suspect in mind. But having someone in mind is one thing, and making what is virtually a public accusation of an aggravated felony is something else.

Josh at Talking Points Memo will have an interview with Wilson soon, unless Wilson takes a "walk in the woods." I think I may have read too many Le Carre novels.

Meanwhile TPM has a brief blog on Rumsfeld as German militarist. Sounds like he wants to avoid the Nazi label?

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