Monday, December 22, 2003

"Let's Deal With The Threats At Home, Howard Dean and the Liberals"

Some foolishness that passes for intellectual discourse in the right circles follows:

"With Saddam apprehended, we still need to deal with the threats at home. Namely, Howard Dean and the liberals in the USA. As the moderate democratic senator Joe Lieberman said, " If Howard Dean had his way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power today, not in prison, and the world would be a more dangerous place." As conservatives, we must be vigilant the next eleven months if we are going to ensure that men like Saddam and his networks of violence and terror are to be taken down. Our national security is too valuable to be in the hands of a pacifistic liberal like Howard Dean, who would rather see Saddam in power than American forces on the ground. Just remeber Dr. Dean, freedom isn't free."

"Here's some more lofty intellection by your magnanimous genius: A list of people and groups that should be executed for the good of humanity: Carrot Top, Paulie Shore, Michael Moore, French People, PETA, Greenpeace, and clowns.... those bastards. I am free to amend this list at any time. Other people up for possible inclusion include Noam Chomsky, liberal ass hat professors, my friend's girlfriends who hog all their time and ruin their lives, and hippies." "I hate dirty liberals. I also hate poor people. Coincidence? I think not."Ah! To be an adolescent again!"

This is on some idiot's blog at Cal Poly. I haven't seen this much idiocy from anyone who isn't on the airwaves in some time.

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