Tuesday, December 23, 2003

New York Times Opinions and News

The Rule of Law and the War on Terror The case of Jose Padilla illustrates how the protections of our criminal justice system truly can hamper the war on terror. el - I strongly disagree. Padilla was not a serious terror threat as even the harshest neo-con supporters have said. Denying U.S. citizens their constitutional protections is a more serious threat.

The Great Surrender As Howard Dean leads his insurrection in the Democratic camp, Joe Lieberman tries vainly to rally the forces of Clintonism. "Nothing has so vindicated the Dean campaign as the Democratic establishment's pallid response to it." el- David Brooks passes on the opportunity to attack Dean to attack the Democratic Party. Trouble is, he is mostly correct.

Terrorism and Liberty A federal panel has urged the White House to take steps to protect civil liberties while fighting terrorism. el- Sorry, not on their agenda.

Clark Attacks Bush Strategy on Terrorism as Mistaken Gen. Wesley K. Clark blamed President Bush for the nation's heightened antiterrorism alert status, saying that it was a "strategic mistake" to shift resources to Iraq. el - Of course.

Rumsfeld Made Iraq Overture in '84 Despite Chemical Raids Newly declassified documents show that the U.S. was eager to improve ties with President Saddam Hussein despite his use of chemical weapons. el- Rumsfeld can no longer deny that the case they now make against Saddam occurred on his previous watch. Saddam was only a threat when the GOP supported him.

Lawyer Accuses Housekeeper of Blackmailing Limbaugh el- The Rush defense, it was blackmail by my maid.

Ex-President Bush Sics Feds On Juvenile Who Destroyed His Boat. "So the real question is why the feds were so hellbent on obtaining jurisdiction. It's difficult not to draw the conclusion that the reason was the Bush connection."

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