Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Edwards has some momentum in Iowa

Dean 25, Gephardt 23, Kerry 14, Edwards 13.

Dean led among the very liberal, independents, young voters, the college educated and singles, while Gephardt led among union households, those with less than a college education and lower income voters.

The survey also found growth for Edwards, who gained strength during the course of the three days and earned the endorsement of the state's largest newspaper, the Des Moines Register, on Sunday.

"Edwards has picked up a lot of steam each night," Zogby said.

el - some uninformed thoughts - Edwards has an advantage of becoming a popular second choice if one candidate doesn't get the 15% threshold in a location. The other three candidates haven't been attacked much by Edwards who has run an interesting positive campaign. There was an exception in a recent debate where Edwards attacked Kerry of all people.

There has been some talk of using cell phones to trade votes in different locations - 'Gephardt can't win here, let's support Kerry or Edwards. I'll call and see if a Kerry or Edwards coordinator will do the same in another location.'

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