Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Zinni Was Right - Washington Post Tried To Bury Story

There are two questions. Why now? And, how will we do this, in what way? I would just ask that if we are going to commit to this and if we are going to accept that there is a threat, we don't need to know the details and maybe that's classified enough that because of the sources we can not know. But, be clear. I want everybody that votes for this, that decides we should go, to stand up for this; I will back them if they tell me it's time to go. And, I want in the aftermath for them not to wait 30 years later to write a book about why it went wrong. I want them to stand up to the risk and the damage, and I want them to be honest to the American people and to our allies about the risks.

Now I am part of this administration, maybe not tomorrow, but I am part of this administration and I voted for it, but that gives me the right to hold it accountable. And you know what? It's painful to do this, and it's painful to ask the questions. And, I pray if we take this action, that I am dead-ass wrong. I pray for that because I want to be wrong if we take this action. I want Saddam gone, but I want to pick the time and the way that's smart and makes sense."

September 10, 2002

el - that was my sentiment, we should get rid of Saddam but not in that illegal, ignoble, totally wrong way that would likely make the world worse.

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