Wednesday, April 21, 2004

GOP Jokingly Calls For Hillary Assassination

State Rep. Jennifer Carroll made a joke that suggested Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton could help the country best if she was assassinated.

"While Americans are looking for answers to what happened before Sept. 11, Gov. Pataki is intent on using 9-11 for its political gain," Welch said. "It just so happens that Democrats believe you can fight the war on terror and build a stronger international coalition to do that ... It's absolutely disingenuous to suggest that somehow Sen. Kerry isn't strong on defense."

Earlier in the day, Carroll opened her remarks during a discussion of Senate races by making a joke about Clinton. She said the New York senator and former first lady was visited by the ghosts of three presidents — Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln — and asked each what she could do to help the nation.

Carroll said Lincoln's response was "Go to a theater." Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's Theater in Washington.

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Scott Maddox and Welch called for an apology.

"I am shocked that an elected official would suggest anything having to do with an assassination of a U.S. senator. She should apologize," Maddox said. "It's completely fair to joke about a policies or personal traits, but to joke about assassination is in poor taste.

Carroll said she didn't think the joke was inappropriate.

"You infer what you want to infer, but I never said assassinate, or kill or maim," Carroll said.

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