Saturday, October 15, 2005

My thoughts - refighting Vietnam

It seems for the conservatives nothing has happened between the beginning of Nixon's first term and today. They are refighting the old culture wars and now they are refighting Vietnam. Third tour, Troy and Emily

I have had several recently give me the story that Dems in Congress caused the killings of hundreds of thousands by letting North Vietnam invade, that Vietnam was the right war, and that the only mistake the US made was in not invading North Vietnam, etc.

If the GOP can get away with making a military hero into a wimpy fake traitor flip-flopper and make a hero out of someone who avoided Vietnam and walked away from his military duties maybe they feel history can be whatever they say it was.

Perhaps they are also refighting the past because they are afraid to take a serious look at this war.

This Iraq War will cost over $1 trillion, about $10,000 for the average family. The only reason conservatives aren't screaming about their taxes now is that the GOP has learned never to pay for anything but to let the debt pile up. Conservatives also don't seem to care about the deaths of other people's kin.

A recent comprehensive look at all suicide bombers since WW2 shows that in Iraq our policies seem designed to create more. We are following the wrong course to stop terrorists. We are not safer, this has nothing to do with 9/11, or terrorists, or some holy war against Islamofascists. The President's plan is establishing a constitution with a council of mullahs to approve the laws. Add approving the candidates and you have Iran.

Is this what Bush had in mind in "spreading democracy"? Is that worth $1 trillion and two thousand dead American soldiers? Is this worth thousands of wounded soldiers flooding into an underfunded VA hospital system? Is this worth all the lives lost and destruction?

Perhaps conservatives just scream the loudest when they know the public is turning against them.

My nephew was just sent back to Iraq for his 3rd time recently. The last time he lost a best friend. He has his first child, a daughter that was born during that last tour of duty. He says that more of his company have a very low opinion of Bush and Rumsfeld now but haven't seen any Democrat they can support yet. Or that the Republican smear machine hasn't made damaged goods yet.

The soldiers are beginning to know this war is unwinable, when will the idiots here at home learn?


Gary said...

On vacation from this and the other blogs for a bit. Ask some conservatives my questions.

Gary said...

I don't see anything George writes to reply to. Is he just being whiney?

I like dogs but prefer cats.

MexicanYenta said...

I can't even tell which side George is on. However, checking out his profile, he appears to be an 11th grader who is having problems with someone named Lane who is "insensative".

You've gotta feel for him, though, 'cause high school is hell. At least he reads blogs! :)

p.s. Cats Rule!