Sunday, April 09, 2006

American Prospect - The Plame Game

This story was obvious from the beginning. Sargent even uses my name for the affair. I suppose this is necessary for the simpleton reporters and the idiotic right-wingbats but this is why we need a decent media corps and people willing to tell the right pundits what simpering suck-up idiots they are. At least the right bloggers and pundits can be considered as doing their jobs, protecting their partisan leaders no matter what traitors they are.

I should be glad it is getting out there but this is another case where the story was obvious from the beginning and is now coming out months late and way too short. The criminally reckless and fanatical behavior of the administration and their right supporters should be just as much a story.

The big story, the "scoop" as they put it, is Karl Rove and Libby and Cheney were convinced they had to damage Ambassador Wilson and stonewall, stonewall, stonewall and distract and attack to save the Presidency because Bush and Cheney had deliberately mislead the country to war.

WP - a "concerted effort" to discredit Wilson.

No shit Sherlock.

With the president at 36% and lower approval are the weasel-assed reporters and DC Democrats finally getting the gumption to do their jobs? Better hop to it if they can remember where they hid away their balls.


Anonymous said...

You understand that the piece you linked to is a fictional story? Also, how might someone be thrown in jail for having an abortion and be "mothers" at the same time?

Gary said...

Sometimes I get the crazy anonymous comments.

Did he comment on the wrong post as his comment could refer to the El Salvador post entirely where The Handmaid's Tale obviously links to readers notes on a novel?

Yes, mothers who later have an abortion not wanting more kids are sentenced to 30 years and several are documented in the link.

I wonder if this is the idiot commenter on Firedoglake insisting after a multi-page document shows why the Washington Post editorial is wrong on every fact that the left doesn't bother with facts.

Reminds me of the comic strip I read today where the store clerk looks at the couple hunting for bookcases and says "You're joking, there is an actual thing as furniture just to hold books." Is the secret of the sucess of the of the right is that many Americans don't read but just watch or listen to what they want to hear?

Should I turn off anonymous comments again?