Saturday, April 08, 2006

World 'cannot meet oil demand' - Times

Peak Oil is here.

How do I know? The headline link is from the Drudge Report.

Drudge taps into and feeds both the conservative base and leadership of this country. Until he gives warning it isn't true. He has let them know the oil crisis is for real.

Stock up on gas. Take a good look at your house and transportation. Prepare to radically reduce your energy consumption. Is your job safe if people have less disposable income with energy prices tripled or higher? This will be world economy changing. This will not go away in a matter of a few years.

What is the Fed response? Whistling in the dark and eliminating reporting on the one true inflation indicator - m3 money supply. Someone knows what is going down and wants to keep the people in the dark - literally.

ADDED - Of course, this has political ramifications as does the bursting housing bubble. Atrios directs us to A Liberal is a Conservative Who Got a Foreclosure Notice at TPM Cafe. Not being able to afford to drive under the Big Oil Presidency will affect people's politics.

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