Here are early voting locations with dates and times for Harris County - PDF. Early voting is live now for local Texans after months of setting on the sidelines. Really many years since the Texas Democratic vote had influence. Now it can knock a candidate out of the race.
On March 4, you need to find your precinct location, not likely your usual location, to vote or to come back at 7 PM and caucus to get your candidate more votes. That info will be available here - but not yet - Here are preliminary locations for southeast Harris County (SD11) - pdf.
228 delegates attending the national Democratic convention in Denver are up for grabs. Only 126 delegates will be assigned based on primary results by Texas Senate Districts. 67 are determined through a convention process. The rest are super delegates (too high) which are Democratic politicians.
You qualify to attend the caucus by voting in the Democratic primary.
You go to the precinct caucus election night March 4 that is assigned to your precinct and vote to choose delegates committed to a particular candidate, or uncommitted, to go to the senate district convention. Most times everyone who shows up at the precinct can then go to the senate district convention level which will be nearby. The same thing happens there but takes all day. Most times even all senate district level participants who want to can go on to the state convention in Austin. At the state convention the primary delegates based on the primary vote are chosen by the senate district attendees. Also chosen are the state delegates based on the number of supporters for each candidate who have shown up at the state convention. Four years ago the state convention was in Houston but this year it will be in Austin.
Caucuses are fun, try to attend. If you can't attend the precinct caucus but want to attend your senate district convention give the precinct judge or someone attending the precinct caucus a note saying you want to be a delegate or alternate. People can also introduce resolutions at the precinct convention, bring four copies at least.
Right now, Texas Polls show a dead heat among Democrats between Barack and Hillary.
"One reason the race appears to be tight is that Texas Democrats are having a hard time choosing between two attractive options," says CNN polling director Keating Holland.What's been happening locally - In Clear Lake, Obama supporters swarmed the mock caucus at Bay Area New Democrats, many not club members before. In conservative Pasadena, (Joe Horn), Area Five Democrats refused to hold a real mock caucus and some booed the Obama organizer. They had to be reminded that fellow Democrats are not the enemy, they will join together after the primary to battle the Democrats true enemies. (Correction - some booed.)
"Likely Democratic primary voters would be equally happy if either candidate won the nomination, and they don't see a lot of difference between them on several top issues.
"Roughly a quarter of likely voters say they could change their minds in the next two weeks -- and not surprisingly, those people are splitting roughly equally between Clinton and Obama."
I have been reminded by true sons and daughters of the South that "My Mama wants Hillary Clinton and if you respect my Mama you'll vote for Hillary." I suppose the darkies need to step to the back of the line, again....
Your last paragraph is offensive. I guess I'm one of those mamas, and while I've spent a lifetime in the South being afforded front place in the line (ladies first!), that courtesy has afforded me little in getting me to a PLACE AT THE TABLE. If my adult children are aware that I support Hillary, they also know that I was marching for civil rights long before my feminist instincts kicked in.
And long before most Obama supporters who are swarming and swooning were born, we Hillary mamas were bearing and raising children while trying to support them on a salary 2/3 of a man's. We've been passed over for promotion, asked to bring in the coffee for meetings we're chairing, and perpetually asked to take notes, even when we reach the executive level.
We Hillary mamas care about healthcare, education, children's and women's rights as well as foreign policy and national security -- and we'd be the last to ask someone to step to the back of the line because of something so superficial as race or gender. We've lived discrimination our entire lives, in ways a male will never understand.
Gender discrimination is alive and well at Easter Lemming (among other so-called "progressive" blogs).
Fair enough, although this response seems identical to what I have been hearing and reading and comented on. "We've paid our dues, dammit. We deserve this."
My response was not at all in the mode of "We've paid our dues," but a reaction to your remark implying that Southern mamas support Hillary over the black man. My support for Hillary has nothing to do with our shared gender; until John Edwards dropped out, he had my vote. And it certainly has nothing to do with Obama's race -- it would be a very welcome development to have a black POTUS if he were the best candidate in the race. By my assessment of her record, Clinton is the more progressive of the two, and certainly knows how to fight ... and after years of Democratic capitulation, that's a quality we need.
The only thing we Hillary mamas consider our "due" is fairness and an end to blatant sexism among our own political party.
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