Friday, June 27, 2003

Emma's take on the Move On Primary

The big winner is Dean. Almost half of the party's liberal wing voted for him, and although he's a populist, he's one of the most conservative candidates. That means that if he wins the primary, he'll run strong on the moderate platform he's already established. The message will be different, but his policy positions will remain the same.

The big loser is Dick Gephardt. Predictably, he did poorly in the single-vote portion of the poll. The bad news is that only half of the voters said they'd back him if he emerged as the Democratic candidate. The news gets even worse when you consider that 28% of respondents said they'd back any Dem (explaining Sharpton's good showing).

Kerry, Kucinich, and Edwards should regard this as a mixed bag. Kerry's numbers show that Democrats generally support him, but they don't particularly favor him. If he's going to win the primary, he's got to start winning hearts. This is especially true because of the other New Englander and the New Hampshire primary. Only one is likely to emerge as a viable candidate.

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