Sunday, April 04, 2004

Reinstating the draft in 2005

Sydney sends me this - ARE YOU AWAKE NOW?

And what of Ralph Nader and John Kerry? Why aren’t they speaking out against this? Where are the politically charged speeches by Ted Kennedy on the floor of the Senate or Howard Dean’s screaming rants?

I don’t know, but I’m going to make it my business to find out and I’m going to let you know about it everyday.

ARE YOU AWAKE YET? Let’s ask these “leaders” about S.89 and H.R. 163. Ask your senators and congressman, ask your favorite candidate about S.89 and H.R. 163.

Charles adds this - Newsweek: Has the World Made Us Safer?

Controversial former counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke likens the aftermath of the Afghan war to "smashing a pod of seeds that spread round the world," allowing bin Laden and his deputies "to step back out of the picture and have the regional organizations they created take their generation-long struggle to the next level." The Iraq war, Clarke insists, was an enormous distraction and a drain on resources. Worse, "we delivered to Al Qaeda the greatest recruitment propaganda imaginable," Clarke writes.

This is the essence of the problem. Would-be holy warriors are brought into the global insurgency by rabble-rousing Muslim preachers who teach the glories of martyrdom in the face of infidel violence and repression. The sermons are reinforced by satellite television, videotapes and CD-ROMs that show foreign forces brutalizing Muslims. Once recruited, some militants may rush to Iraq to commit suicide. But they are likely to be even more dangerous if they stay where they are, in Europe or Canada or the United States, as well as the Muslim world, looking for ways to bring the war home.

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