Saturday, April 03, 2004

Revenge of the WarBots

Wow, from tex on anti-war blog: Many civilians have been killed in Iraq and up to now the Nuke Fallujah crowd hasn't protested. Four American missionaries were gunned down in Mosul just last month, two of them women, eliciting no warbot retaliation strikes. It can't be the grisly nature of the deaths, because American corpses have been defiled by crowds in Iraq before, most notably the incident in Mosul last November. No one seemed to think Mosul should be nuked.

So, what is special about these four mercs?

[It is] because they are having difficulty dealing with their own responsibility for the deaths of those four Americans. Since there are no weapons of mass destruction and no credible proof that Hussein had anything to do with 9-11, there is no real reason that those four should have been there in the first place. Nevertheless they were there, why? I say they died in large part because of the mindless jingoism espoused by the likes of Bruce and O’Reilly. People in this country are constantly advocating that the government take some kind of action, but they never want to take any responsibility for the results of the actions that they advocate.

The warbots see the meltdown of all the justifications for their Excellent Iraqi Adventure, the roach-like scrambling for cover as the "War President" and his courtiers try to stonewall and evade the 9/11 commission, the military deaths mounting, the civilian deaths mounting, the pervasive anti-Americanism growing in intensity world-wide but most notably in Muslim and Arab countries, and their illusions of "democracy-building" shattering as the deadline for "Iraqi sovereignty" rushes toward them like a runaway freight train even as Iraq spirals into chaos and lawlessness. In the midst of this debacle, Fallujah rebels create a scene so horrible that it's like waving a neon flag in the face of the most tuned-out American and yelling "Look at this disgusting, bloody, violent mess over here! It's getting worse every day!"

Own it, warbots. We tried to warn you. We protested, we railed and wrote arguments against the war, but you wouldn't listen. Now, those mercs killed in Fallujah were your responsibility. You put them there, with your cakewalking, rosepetal fantasies and ridiculous misconceptions about Iraq. The blood of all the dead from your illegal, unjustified war in Iraq - both "coalition" and Iraqi - is on your hands.

Daily Kos was attacked and smeared across the blog right-wing community because of his stand that it is not surprising that mercenaries are killed and vilified.

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