Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Clare Short, One of The British Ministers Who Resigned, On America Today

"If America continues to throw its weight around and to bully or punish anyone who gets in its way, it will stoke up more and more resentment and hatred across the world."

"And this atmosphere acts as a recruiting sergeant for terrorism - the very enemy against which the post September 11th focus of American attention is directed."

"The US wants to use the UN to tell everyone else what they must do and is increasingly willing to use its power to bully and punish those who get in its way.

"The sadness of all this is that it is in the interest of the US and American people, as well as all the rest of us, to build a commitment to international justice and the rule of law."

Ms Short says the "terrible reality" is that "the world is more fragile, divided, bitter and unhappy post September 11th in exactly the way that Osama Bin Laden would want".

"The enormous tide of sympathy and support that flowed to America post September 11th - from all corners of the world - has now been dissipated," she writes.

"I fear Bin Laden has won many more recruits as the US response to September 11th has alienated more and more people."

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