Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Headlines - Rove and Cheney

Blogger was down for a while yesterday. Let me catch up with headlines.

From Drudge - Ex-CIA Official On PBS - "I tell you, it sickens me to be a Republican [and] to see this."

Bush's Unofficial Official Secrets Act:
How the Justice Department Has Pushed to Criminalize The Disclosure of Non-Security Related Government Information

The Thugs Who Control the Darkness, How Cheney Uses Fear To Control Bush and the Country.

Big Increase Seen in People Lacking Health Insurance

The number of people without health insurance shot up last year by 2.4 million, the largest increase in a decade, raising the total to 43.6 million, as health costs soared and many workers lost coverage provided by employers, the Census Bureau reported today.

Iraq, 9/11 Still Linked By Cheney Despite Evidence (Page 1 Washington Post,, the "Despite Evidence" is not in their headline but is the thrust of the story. Do you suppose that the Post is writing the headlines for Bush as that is all he reads and the rest of the story is for smarter people?)

BuzzFlash - The Real Karl Rove by the author of Bush's Brain. Nothing comes out of the Bush White House without Rove’s approval. Generally, that means nothing comes out of the White House.

Until Karl Rove wants something to leak.

Rove’s temper has always been his weak spot. He cannot seem to control his anger. When Ambassador Joseph Wilson wrote in the New York Times that there was no truth to the allegations that Iraq had tried to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger, Rove is said to have gone "ballistic." No one who has known Rove for any period of time doubts that Rove was the one who orchestrated the leak, which "outed" Ambassador Wilson’s wife as a CIA agent. Rove has always made sure that his enemies knew he will strike back, and swing with deadly power.

The circumstantial evidence is already in. And it points at Karl Rove.

And if the Bush Administration is serious about protecting this country, if Rove committed this treasonous act, he needs to be prosecuted under the Patriot Act he has so ardently supported

RNC Chair - IF True, Worse Than Watergate

"Several of the journalists are saying privately 'yes it was Karl Rove who I talked to.'"

UK Guardian Karl Rove At Center of the Story

A 1972 supreme court ruling, Branzburg v Hayes, states "the first amendment does not relieve a newspaper reporter of the obligation that all citizens have to respond to a grand jury subpoena and answer questions relevant to a criminal investigation".


Ed Meese -- "Librarians are more interested in pushing pornography on kids than fighting terrorism!"

"I'm a doctor. I believe if you have a theory and a fact comes along that disproves the theory, you throw out the theory. Republicans believe if a fact comes along that disproves your theory, you throw out the fact."

- Howard Dean, responding to "flip flopping" charge (9/28) My ex-wife watched that interview and liked that quote.

US Consumer Confidence Plunges

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders

I was smiling at that and then realized, OMG, Cheney's in charge.

CalPundit is keeping a good track of the Plume Affair on the news and blog sites.

Iraq war's human toll could be felt for decades. Beyond fatalities, an average of eight American soldiers a day are wounded.

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