Monday, May 31, 2004

The President: Paying the Price . . .

Thoughtful Opinion on the Aggressive Choices Bush Made And His Shrinking Uncomfortable Bed

Bush is losing support among independent voters and has not nailed down moderate or even moderately conservative Republicans.
Bush has signaled his own weakness by buying time on the Golf Channel, more a home to Republicans than to swing voters (except, perhaps, where the game itself is concerned).

By failing to embrace his opportunity to be a president of national unity, Bush has endangered the great project of his presidency: remaking Iraq. And he has offered Kerry the chance to be as tough as Howard Dean was -- but in the name of uniting Americans at a moment when solidarity is desperately needed.

This is why Kerry has reason to hope that his identity as a Vietnam veteran can trump his history as a Massachusetts liberal. And it's why President Bush, lacking the political insurance he should have sought, is right to be running scared.

el - I am not crazy about E.J. Dione but he has been spinning around D.C. long enough to know when someone is running scared.

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