Friday, May 21, 2004

UU Not A Religion Decision Attracting Little Notice

Texas Comptroller Strayhorn has decided that a UU church is not a religion and so is not tax exempt. This is apparently an appeal to her religious conservative base and as a test case to see how far she can go.

This outrageous decision which at first seemed to get little attention in the news or blogosphere realms may finally be spreading.

Off The Kuff had it. Ok, it is starting to spread based on his later post.

Burnt Orange had it. Where in the comments pc adds more rumors to the source of the Perry caught in bed with a man rumors: "It was Mark Sanders (Strayhorn's PR/hatchetman) that started the Perry rumors. He hated Perry so much that he worked for Tony Sanchez."

Boing, Boing picked it up Unitarianism: good enough for two presidents [or more], not good enough for Texas

Electrolite has lots of comments
including "The annual national meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association is scheduled for Fort Worth .....NEXT YEAR!!! Unitatian Universalists from all over the country are planning on attending this event--this religious event--in a state that denies we are a religion?"

"Just remember what Molly Ivins said: Texas is the laboratory for bad government. What happens here today you'll be getting shortly, only bigger and nastier, so wipe that smug smile off your face..."

Daily Kos had one diary entry. "Strayhorn's going to have a question mark burned on her lawn."

Atrios picked it up the 19th.

Goggle News has 18 news articles (mostly Knight-Ridder which seems to be the best US newspaper chain.)

Perverse Access Memory says follow the money.

Here are newsgroup discussions - 34 of 40, others are not related.

Google Search as refined as I can make it now. It has 138 relevant entries mostly blogs, many duplicates, but doesn't include my post.

Metafilter, Political Wire, People's Republic of Seabrook, Political Animal, and Drudge Retort have the story

From the Simpsons: Bart is playing Billy Graham's Bible Busters in which you zap people and convert them to Christianity. Bart is really getting into the game and after zapping a guy he exclaims "Alright I got him". Ned Flanders' boys reply, "No you just winged him, now he's a Unitarian."

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