Monday, February 13, 2006

debunker: The Way for the WP to stop the rage is to stop the whoring

I still can hardly believe the WP's editorial Blog Rage by Jim Brady.

In a whiny, self-pitying, snarky, uncivil, and clueless waste of space Brady accused the left of the blog universe of being angry and uncivil over an "inadvertent error."

I am with National Debunker, the way for the Washington Post to get any respect back is to stop being a whiny GOP stenographer and stop the whoring.

The outrage, not rage, over a mostly very good article by Post ombudsman Deborah Howell was her slipping in two inaccurate, snarky, and defaming to Democrats GOP talking points.

In this recent editorial the uncivil Jim Brady even went out of his way to smear one of the best and most knowledgeable blog reporters - Jane Hamsher. He falsely accused her of relishing name calling. (Evidently confusing her with every prominent conservative pundit and blogger I know.)

The clueless Brady repeatedly cited his internet experience but seemingly had never heard of the phenomena of both trolls and indecent language when you open unfiltered comments up to readers. Even granting their likelihood Brady still has never offered any proof of his claims of hundreds of obscene comments he claims overwhelmed their blog. Several investigations of comments that after being removed become visible, and other screen captures during the controversy revealed that the vast majority removed were neither obscene or uncivil. They were simply critical.

Brady still shows no understanding of why the original Post article and the subsequent words and actions of the Post provoked outrage. He probably has no clue why this new column is also provoking much amusement and outrage again. I am sorry I can't be the first to write it. Jim Brady is "a twit without a functioning brain."

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