Friday, March 31, 2006

Democrats Fight Back On Hannity & Colmes

Many places give out wankers, idiots, etc. of the day commendations for the particularly bad statements by the right.

Maybe we should get together and start giving out Top Dog of the day honors for those Democrats who vigorously defend the party against the vicious remarks of the right

Newshound, "we watch FOX so you don't have to," captures Alan Colmes, Bob Beckel, and Ellis Henican smartly and aggressively defending against the smears of Sean Hannity and Hugh Hewitt. They call Henican top dog. I commend all three for Top Dogs of the Day honors.

One surprising thing about this is FOXNEWS almost never allows more than one Democrat on at a time. Now we know why.

Some of the video is available.

Right radio host, author, GOP strategist and website destination Hugh Hewitt on the same show becomes my twit of the day for comparing the most popular liberal community on the web to Larry Flynt, among many other ludicrous remarks.

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