Monday, March 27, 2006

Smells Like Teen Petting and Videos

Kansas moves to regain the lead as the most restrictive state for sexual activity after South Dakota gets all the attention.

The evidence:

One - The attorney general plans to appeal his "life begins at the instant of conception" law suit which was dismissed.

Two - He is defending his interpretation that every person, including medical personal, is legally obligated to report all sexual activity of the underaged - "all sexual activity." Over at Slate Dahlia Lithwick has been following this confused but uptight attorney general:
In this case, he says he needs to be advised of every breast that's been fondled around the state because each such incident is a crime, yet the vast majority of such fondlings harm no one, as he is well aware. As one expert testified Monday, wading through those thousands of benign reports will make the genuine abuse cases harder to pursue.

But I don't think Kline's real intent is to nail child abusers. In that sense it is entirely duplicative: The law already provides that any professional who suspects any form of child abuse must report it. Kline is merely saying he can better recognize some kinds of abuse than the doctors and counselors who treat it. That's curious. One may well wonder how state officials will know more from paper reports than treating providers.
Yet in a sudden retreat in this case the Attorney General's office is now insisting the written language of the law and their previous positions are wrong - it applies "only to sexual intercourse". Then under cross examination the definition expanded again to put back oral sex or anal sex but maybe not breast fondling. So under the suddenly revised interpretations his attempt to ban all underage sex activity now could legalize adult fondling of breasts or genitals of children! Read the full story. Link by Jim.

Jim also sends links to these unrelated videos:

What If... the President's nephew was in Iraq?

Walt Disney - The VD War

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