Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scratch a Conservative - Find a Coward

I have been saying that for years. When you look at the macho arguments of all these conservatives you really see frightened children, yellow-bellied cowards.

Now scientists say they see a genetic link between how easily someone is scared or startled and how conservative politically they are. They are cowards and will give up quite a lot not to be scared.

You notice it in Republican political ads - they will play ads featuring ominous music, or wolves, or black men, or terrorists, or bombs and try to reinforce the FEAR! factor to get more votes. Conservatives don't want liberty and freedom - they want to be protected because they are scared.

UPDATE - Welcome Houston Chronicle readers. Over a year ago I recommended kicking out Sen. Cornyn as too cowardly to represent the Lone Star state.


Matt Bramanti said...

"they will play ads featuring ominous music, or wolves, or black men, or terrorists, or bombs"

Who ran the most famous bomb ad in the history of politics?

Gary said...

That was a very interesting ad 44 years ago. It ran once and very few people saw it but all the news media and politicians talked about it. The GOP saw that ad and it seemed to have inspired in their advertising in future campaigns. The Democrats gave up on that type of advertising as they gave up on Johnson.