Thursday, March 09, 2006

Of Course Foreigners Are Buying Up America!

Economic growth produces about $1.3 trillion of new net wealth in America every year, and at a current account deficit of $1 trillion only $300 billion of that is an addition to the wealth of Americans -- the $1 trillion that matches the current-account deficit is an addition to the wealth of foreigners.
The plantation party Republicans and the DLC only support American agriculture, resource extraction, and the military and espionage businesses. If we produce nothing of value but buy most of our goods from foreigners they have to do something with their dollars.

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1 comment:

Gary said...

OK, it was a mistake lumping the DLC in here with the Republicans.

Their corporate favoritism isn't limited to the plantation and cash-cow economics of the GOP. They usually favor tax breaks for new industries which is a good thing in moderation.

Yes, I think even the Democratic corporativist right is much better than the GOP and is even right on some things