Saturday, July 10, 2004



A lot of Greens are thinking that Bush trumps their strong desires for a stronger national Green Party.

"I consider the 2004 election to be the most important in my lifetime. The Bush/Cheney administration is possibly the most extreme, incompetent, corrupt, and vicious in our country's history. We need to make a serious statement in this election: Bush and his messanic agenda of the extremist right must go." - David C. Korten

Another Green site is The Nader Factor. The goal of the Nader Factor is to end the destructive Bush agenda by UNITING Democrats and Nader supporters into one, powerful force for change.

With 10% of the largest Nader backers being GOP millionaires, Greens and Nader supporters should join with Democrats. In the state of Texas particularly the Democratic Party seems to have just switched over to a majority populist party that Dean, Kucinach, Edwards, Clark, Kerry, are happy in and where Nader supporters and Greens would help make a difference.

Ralph Nader yesterday defended the support he has received from Republicans in his presidential bid, saying that "Republicans are people, too."

I might pair my vote again this election, like I did in 2000, if I can get one more vote for Kerry in a state where it makes a difference.

"If you don't vote in this election, you're voting for George Bush." - Studs Terkel

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