Thursday, January 05, 2006

Attack on Iran?

There is a lot of Internet Buzz being generated about a possible attack on Iran by Israel and the United States. Russia is strongly opposed to this attack and has many citizens working at an Iranian nuclear reactor that would be a target. China also receives much of its foreign oil from Iran.

Here is just one of the reports : Intelligence indications and warnings abound as Bush admin finalizes military attack on Iran from the Wayne Madsen Report.

Judge Hirsh has been noting for months that Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld have been pushing a new doctrine that calls for first strike tactical nuclear weapons use and it is all clearly aimed at Iran. His latest was December 28th where he lays out the comprehensive case. Plans for an attack on Iran come at a time of growing dissatisfaction within the military rank and file against the GOP civilian leadership at the Pentagon. The reports suggest that the attacks would take place in early 2006 as early as tomorrow.

ABC News - Iran won't back down on atomic research.
An Iranian delegation was expected to meet officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna on Thursday to explain what activities the resumption of nuclear research and development would encompass.

Ahmadinejad also defended his proposal that Israel be moved to Europe on the ground that the Palestinians should not suffer as a result of Europeans' killing of Jews during World War II.
Much more stuff leaking today.

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