Saturday, July 15, 2006

Mass Media denouncing angry liberal bloggers, ignores conservatives advocating murder

Media Matters's Jamison Foser has a roundup of the shrill media pointing in alarm at "angry liberal bloggers" while ignoring conservatives advocating the murder of journalists, politicians and judges. The recent examples are numerous and increasing. This is not new by either the media or the conservative bloggers or conservative media figures, as he points out.

This past weekend there were major posts by several right-wing prominent bloggers decrying the lack of civility on the left. Lawyer and writer Glen Greenwald chided them for their hypocrisy and pointed out their own recent murder advocates and incivility. The response was, you guessed it, a mass uncivil orgy of hate speech directed at him.
So that's the level of discourse that comes from right-wing bloggers, every one of whom cited here -- each and every one -- doled out solemn lectures this weekend about how terrible it is for people to write mean personal insults on the Internet, only to respond to my post today with the above-excerpted tantrums. And all of that leaves to the side the fact that they were unable to comprehend the actual arguments that were made in the post -- most of them responded to the opposite of the argument that was actually made....
Right Wing Sparkle at the Houston Chronicle repeated the arguments denouncing a liberal commenter that sparked this on her conservative blog. A troll gets her attention but in her own comments she expressed admiration for Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. I had covered this before but it bears repeating.

Which is worse - a troll or prominent political advocates with loud media voices engaging in hate speech?

UPDATE: Greenwald and Duncan Black are chastising the mainstream media for ignoring this story.

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