Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rudy Giuliani should not be America's next incompetent thin-skinned dictator

A New Yorker reveals the truth about America's mayor. Why is there such a large percentage of the public who like to be told what to do by bullying incompetents? There needs to be more studies on America's love affair with authoritarians, the RWAs.

Libertarian Kevin adds to Rall and points out that:
Guiliani hired a man to work for him both as New York police commissioner and as his business partner who is a shady character at best. This has shades of President Bush’s cronyism as exemplified in the picks of Harriet Miers for Supreme Court Justice, Alberto Gonzalez for Attorney General, and finally Mike “Heck of a Job Brownie” Brown for FEMA director. More cronyism and horrible decision making for subordinates is the last thing this country needs in a Commander in Chief in the Long War and this is yet another reason why Guiliani is not fit to be president.
Recently there has been a discussion of the loud-mouthed cruel conservatives and their history on The Moderate Voice. Did LBJ drive all the haters to one party?

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