Sunday, March 30, 2003

News on a roll

Worldwide Anti-war protests again, US military bases in Germany blocked.

CSM - It's the Republicans engaged in class warfare by combining budget cuts with tax breaks. Points out that three-quarters of seniors have no dividend income at all.

Pentagon claims to have destroyed "massive terrorist facility" used by al-Qaeda to make chemical weapons. This is the same camp with dirt floors, no running water, no electricity that journalists toured before the war.

By opting to join the American hard right, Tony Blair has made the gravest mistake of his political life. Astute analysis of the rise of American conservative dominance.

Before the war started, John Robb analysed the Bush doctrine. He has been right so far. The problem, he sees it ending in a nuclear bomb going off in the US. He also agrees with me on the two major arguments for the war, eliminating WMD and liberating Iraq, and how Bush policy is wrong.

Saddam: I'll hit the US and UK with terror squads as US troops prepare for Baghdad.

The latest Iraqi explosion in a marketplace looks like a US HARM missile. I don't want to post the links because the idiots claim the British journalist that found a fragment with a part number probably planted it.

The Nation - Vietnam Dispatch -- Gerald Herman, an American businessman and entrepreneur who has lived in Vietnam for ten years, says that what is especially poignant about the Vietnamese is not their reaction to the war in Iraq but their sympathy for Americans after 9/11. "Every single Vietnamese I know, including two young men I had to fire from my company, got in touch then to offer condolences," Herman said. "I expected at least one person to tell me, 'Now you know what it feels like,' but no one did. Knowing I was from New York, people were asking me if I had friends or relatives in the twin towers. It was remarkable, profound compassion. Now we've totally squandered that." He asks us to consider "our participatory role in what is happening while we descend, in the fashion of ancient Rome, from a republic to an empire."

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