Sunday, June 01, 2003

Dr. No and the Yes Men

The New York Times Magazine has a very critical long article on Dr. Dean. It reads like Matt Bai is a Leiberman supporter. There are some interesting points but overall very critical.

In this first campaign of the post-Clinton era, the coalition of interests the former president so deftly managed to patch together is on the verge of spinning apart. Democratic voters are venting more than a decade's worth of pent-up hostility, and at least one poll shows they don't think they're going to win anyway. In Dean, they see someone who will at least go down fighting and give voice to their dissent. Against that backdrop, touting your electability -- because you're a war hero or a Southerner or a social conservative -- might turn out to be the worst argument a candidate can make.

When Jimmy Carter went South to campaign in 1976, fending off a challenge from Jerry Brown, he used a brilliant slogan to remind Democrats of what was at stake: ''Don't send them a message. Send them a president.'' If Dean's campaign feels as if it's only about sending an angry message, he has a problem. If the other Democrats can't hear the anger, so do they.

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