Thursday, March 25, 2004

Blogosphere moves to the left

That Sullivan...felt impelled to pick a fight with a lesser-known blogger was a sign of insecurity — shaky status. It signifies the shift of influence and punch-power from the right to the left. It is Atrios, not Andrew Sullivan, who is in ascendance in the blogosphere. Only a few years ago the energy and passion were largely the property of the right hemisphere, where Sullivan, Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds, and NRO's Victor Davis Hanson fired up the neurons against the defeatism, anti-Americanism, and death's-head specter of Islamic terrorism billowing from the ruins of Ground Zero.

....But I parted sympathies with the bugle boys when they repositioned their bombsights for Iraq....It was the ugly rhetoric, fathead hubris, and might-makes-right triumphalism that repulsed. Warbloggers hunkered into B-grade versions of the ideological buccaneers in the neoconservative camp. Punk-ass laptop Richard Perles, they excoriated dissenters as wimps, appeasers, and traitors.

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