Monday, November 29, 2004

$29 Million Paid to Hack the Vote?

Unconfirmed report has leaks from a purported massive scale vote fraud campaign for Bush.

The leak about the money and the rigged election apparently came from technicians who were promised to be paid a certain amount for their work but the Bush campaign interlocutors reneged and some of the technicians are revealing the nature of the vote rigging program.

The money to rig the election in favor of Bush reportedly came from an entity called Five Star Trust, largely based in Houston but a worldwide entity that is directly tied to the Saudi Royal Family. Five Star Trust was termed "a well-protected vehicle" that has been used to support both Bush and Osama bin Laden in the US and around the world.

Other money used to fund the election rigging was from siphoned Enron money stored away in accounts in the Cook Islands, which was once the base of one of the more questionable and Saudi-linked BCCI subsidiaries. Cook Islands banks also handled some of the weapons smuggling financing of the Iran-Contra scandal. A former Justice Department attorney who helped prosecute the BCCI case said the use of the Cook Islands by the Bush reelection team indicates they wanted the bank arrangements to be a "quick folding tent" operation that would cease to exist when the election was over.

Additional information on the buying of vote riggers with Saudi and former Enron funds has been obtained. The epicenter for the vote rigging operation is Dallas, Texas, and the operation may involve retired FBI agents who used a well-established "good ole boy" network to arrange for access to polling precincts by electronic voting machine technicians who took advantage of various November 2 security "lockdowns" to illegally alter the tabulation of votes in favor of Bush. Some of the retired agents may have used courtesy credentials issued upon retirement to fool unsuspecting polling place workers.

The cost of the operation was estimated at $29 million with the money sent via a circuitous network of offshore trust companies and shell activities. This reporter has obtained a copy of a bank check for $29,600,000 that was allegedly sent to cover the cost of the Texas-based vote rigging operation. The check is dated October 22, 2004, and was made payable to "Five Star Investment Ltd.," a trust said to have long connections to Saudi-funded operations in Texas and around the world. The payer is identified as "Equity Financial Trust," a Houston-based "brass plate" and post office box entity tied to offshore Cook Islands "folding tent" accounts used to hide away profits amassed by the former Enron as well as Saudi financiers.
In a mostly ignored report Madsen had documented that financiers funding Osama bin Laden were also financing Bush's oil companies. Madsen's extensive credentials.

ADDED - MSNBC's Olbermann doubts the story which is very qualified and offers no evidence except a check Madsen claims to have seen. Madsen's last article was another story with unsubstantiated rumors that Bush was about to attack Iran before the election.

Meanwhile things are heating up in Ohio with the Free Press reporting voter irregularities and suspicious totals. Jesse Jackson is blasting an audit and recount into the spotlight. (el -The counter argument to the much higher percentages for other Democrats and even landslides for progressive issues compared to the low percentages for Kerry is the pervasive smear campaign the GOP ran against Kerry. There appeared to be many Democrats who would not vote for Kerry but would vote for other candidates.)

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