Thursday, November 25, 2004

On Fraud, Ballot Theft and Suppression of the Vote

John Belisarius -- What the vast majority of Democrats find most disturbing about 2004 is that Bush's victory was based on a pervasive strategy of dishonesty [el - What I call the bearing-false-witness campaign and presidency] --a dishonesty that included major distortions of Kerry's record by the Bush campaign's own television commercials, outright lies told by the Swift Boat Veterans, grotesque distortions circulated among rural or minority voters (such as the claim that Democrats would take away religious people's bibles or that Martin Luther King was a Republican), flyers listing false reasons why voters should believe themselves disqualified, leaflets and phone calls falsely announcing changes in polling places and phony voter registration groups that collected and then destroyed voter registration forms.

Layered on top of this were techniques for suppressing the vote in Democratic areas that included last minute changes in polling places, use of felon lists known to be inaccurate and the provision of inadequate numbers of voting machines and ballots.

It is this entire pattern of appallingly anti-democratic behavior that should be at the center of the national discussion today, and not just the specific question of whether these kinds of activities--along with any direct theft or alteration of votes by electronic or punch card voting machines--could have risen to a level sufficient to reverse Bush's victory.

What vast numbers of Democrats as well as many moderates and independent voters already believe and believe very strongly is that Bush's victory was based on a campaign that was deeply, deeply dishonest and profoundly unfair.

News links:
Did Dubbya rig the election?
What Were the Odds That Bush Would Win?
Disputes and questions linger 3 weeks after presidential vote
GAO looking into Nov. 2 votes
Concerned Locals Push For Presidential Election Fraud Probe
Researchers: Florida Vote Fishy
Congress is probing vote count complaints
Election-fraud rumors on Web refuse to die
Exit Polls and Voter Fraud: A User-Friendly Explanation
A Tale of Two Elections
More voting questions raised in Ohio
Ohio Dem Party Offers Support for Ohio Recount Effort


Because Bev Harris says the media choose to ignore the video tapes she offered.

Dems Pocket $52 Million, CNN Ignores Evidence, and Officials Stonewall...What Vote Fraud?
- by Bev Harris

County officials say vote tabulator wasn't connected to the internet, Printout they tried to shred shows it was and outside connections attempted during vote count.
Stay tuned for an upcoming national conference which will be put on by Black Box Voting, called "Help America Audit," in which we will teach citizens groups, political parties, candidates, and private citizens how to conduct citizen audits of elections on a county by county basis, the only method available to us, really.

Stay tuned, also, for an action we’ll be taking soon to beef up compliance with the public records requests needed for election auditing.
-- Bev Harris Executive Director Black Box Voting in posts on Democratic Underground

Minimal local news: Lawsuit disputes Volusia vote outcome

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