Tuesday, February 08, 2005

From too few people looking to too many

The previous post explained why many fewer people are finding this page this month. I also have the opposite problem at Yahoo GeoCities this year. Too many people are finding my pages. Now often when you or I go there there will be a bandwidth exceeded page - try again in one hour. There is also an images not loading problem I didn't used to have if you get through.

Some search engines, notably Google image but also others, have found some pictures people really like. Search engines have also found a page where I had placed a list of RSS feeds from Amphetadesk I was using until I realized how impossible it is to keep up with 140 feeds all the time.

I don't really use the Yahoo pages except for occasional online storage but having them non-available when I need them means I will have to start taking down the larger, more popular stuff.

Some would say I used to too frequently troll for hits with links, for example, to pictures of lesbians in black silk stockings. That really worked to drive up my hits to these pages, much more then just the words you use, But I wasn't attempting to drive up the page hits to geocities.

A history of some image links on this liberal blog is here. This is after I discovered that if you link to a picture the image search engines will lead to your page that links to it instead of to the image page or to the site that hosts the image page.

I am not sure if it is really trolling for hits, I know some readers really like the pictures and others just skip them but it reminds people of a difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives want to take away your right to look. It also reminds people that deep linking is legal. Some misguided people want to restrict bloggers to only linking to a site welcome page. More on the current law on linking issues.

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