Friday, February 27, 2004

Looking For Dem Victory with Trepidation?

Bush has dug such a big hole that trying to get out of it, especially in the face of a Republican congress, is going to be a disaster for whoever tries it. Better to let Bush himself keep shoveling until his policies become so obviously catastrophic that the Republican party is sidelined for decades.

If a Democrat wins in 2004, will he be blamed for the almost inevitable economic collapse later this decade? Is there any way to convince Americans that our current economic policy is unsustainable aside from an almost nuclear demonstration of how bad it is?

el - I had also had those thoughts but the longer Bush is in place the worse the disaster becomes. Hoping, like FDR did after losing the VP race in 1920, that the coming disaster will discredit the GOP for decades is only a fallback hope in case you lose. The real goal is trying to correct the problems now.

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