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Monday, August 14, 2006
Has RightWingSparkle gone into campaign mode?
Just over three months before the election and her Chronicle Reader Blog posts are:
Ned Lamont and Democrat and Left bashing - Fighting the war on terror, what the left seems to have forgotten (or ignored) This is her latest of many attempts to link 9/11 with Iraq and Iraq with al-Qaeda.
Why we can't afford for the Democrats to win. She is getting lots of inspiration and perspiration from the London airline plot.
Hizballah and Charles Rangel. She saw an edited clip on a right-wing show and it proves Democrats are terrorist sympathizers who don't support our troops.
A graduation speech by a right-wing soldier saying college campuses are filled with draft-dodger professors but the soldiers protect freedom and even pussies like them. We're Number 1! Rah!!
Why the Left are racially insensitive - a dig at a Lamont supporter blogger.
So is this campaign mode or has another terror threat pushed all her panic buttons? There seems a comon theme of panicky over-the-top liberal and Democrat bashing.
I decided not to link to the posts. I realized I should pay less attention to her unless I really have something to say. You already know what she will say if you watch or listen to the other Right Wing Talking Points shows.
Plus I recently realized she is either somewhat delusional or quite ignorant when she supported Captain's Quarter's because he was defending our freedoms!
Uhmmm, he named the blog after his interest in Star Trek and Captain Kirk, not because he's in the military. She didn't know he was just another fellow keyboard kommando right-wing member of the 101st fighting fat-ass typists. No wonder she admires Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin - she might be almost their equal in ignorance and fear driven rhetoric. No, I shouldn't say that - no one can equal Ann and Michelle's command of snarky ignorance.
The new Right Wing War blogger at just refuses to post critical comments while Kuff is the sane voice of Democratic reason on the Chron Commons.
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Yeah, ritewinged sparkle is trying to
be the next michelle coulter and is bent on dividing the populus with mean
spirited rantings.
The Chron should disavow her as she
does not contribute to the betterment
of society.
Maybe she is on medication or needs to
be on medications.
Actually, I like the fact that the Chronicle has a hands off policy towards reader blogs. This tolerance is going to have payoffs down the road.
The hands-off might be good. But then you get their blogger who only uses a couple comments that support him. If he is ignorant or makes mistake where can this be pointed out? Do we need to start a liberal Chron Watch?
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