Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Texas Tuesdays: Meet Kelly White

Today is another Texas Tuesdays and we have Kelly White running in Austin against another sticky-fingered Republican.

She is another example of someone who has scrambled up from close to the bottom to take on the new GOP Texas system.
There was a time in my life that I could have never imagined having a shelter named in my honor. A time when I stood at a payphone at a convenience store, my children in the car, calling a battered women's shelter, hoping against hope they would have space available for me and my three-month and two year-old sons. I was lucky, they had a shelter in my community and they did have space immediately available for my sons and myself.
Interview here. Make a secure online donation at www.votekellywhite.com and remember to add 0.36 for online Texas Tuesdays.

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