Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Leading GOP candidate for President called an Indian non-supporter a monkey - twice

Senator Allen of Virginia, who is running for reelection and is also widely considered to be one of the GOP's leading candidates for President in 2008, showed his racist background at a campaign rally. Senator Allen, who kept a hangman's noose displayed in his office and has a real fondness for the Confederate flag, saw a young American of Indian descent filming his speech. Mr. Sidarth, a senior college student, was filming the speech for Allen's opponent James Webb. Mr. Allen repeatedly ridiculed him to the all-white crowd and twice referred to Mr. Sidarth as "Macaca." Mr. Sidarth had been filming all week and had introduced himself to Mr. Allen.

Macaque is a French word meaning monkey that is used by the French for North Africans and non-whites. Allen knows French and Allen's mother was raised in France and French-speaking Tunisia,. Macaca is also slang used by racist groups and in rural Virginia for non-whites. The expression is also common in Europe with a meaning of "dirty Arab".

UPDATED - I corrected Allen's wife to mother, Algeria to Tunisia, from Daily Kos.

Crooks and Liars has CNN video.

Allen issues non-apology.

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