Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Michael Moore Pledge

How liberals and Democrats are different from conservatives and Republicans.
1. We will always respect you for your conservative beliefs. We will never, ever, call you "unpatriotic" simply because you disagree with us. In fact, we encourage you to dissent and disagree with us.

2. We will let you marry whomever you want, even when some of us consider your behavior to be "different" or "immoral." Who you marry is none of our business. Love and be in love -- it's a wonderful gift.

3. We will not spend your grandchildren's money on our personal whims or to enrich our friends. It's your checkbook, too, and we will balance it for you....
Also not related at all but check out a social history in monsters, it is now zombies, are werewolves next?

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