Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pullitizer Prize Winner Dana Priest on Iran

Albany, N.Y.: Do you think it is likely that a U.S. military attack on Iran would send the Iraq situation spiraling completely out of control, and cause the Shia to turn on the U.S. forces, rendering the success of the Iraq mission irretrievably lost?

Dana Priest: Yes. Highly likely if a strike were to be conducted in this current unstable Iraq environment.

Austin, Tex.: The US attacks Iran. In the resulting uproar in the Muslim world, Musharraf is overthrown (or worse), and an Islamist government comes to power in Pakistan. Then we have a hostile Muslim country that doesn't just have a potential plan for acquiring nuclear weapons but that actually has the weapons now.

A likely scenario?

Dana Priest: Not so far-fetched.
Washington Post news division wins four Pulitzer Prizes, editorial side zip - a WP blogger reaction.

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