Sunday, April 30, 2006

Neil's Young's Garage - Free Streaming

The new reader political "centrist" is upset by an anti-war album, I guess. Or was it just the impeachment song? She mentioned it again later.

Looking at her post again she felt the need to worry about impeachment because some of her friends have been talking about it.
Some of Polimom's friends are talking about censure and impeachment, yet I don't see that we can do that right now... or am I the only one that thinks we would devolve into internal chaos?

How low would people prune the administrative tree? With whom would they be replaced? How long will that take? And what would be going on in the rest of the world while America takes time out to deal with all of that?
I thought this was a misplaced and needless worry but I am more encouraged that PoliMom's friends, voices in the heartland, are considering impeachment.

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